Posts tagged Benefits
Elevate your Art with Watercolour Backgrounds

Backgrounds in art fill the critical space between the subject and the frame, turning empty canvases into resonant scenes brimming with life. They define the positive (subject) and negative (space around the subject) spaces, adding layers of depth and context. A background can support the main subject with a contrasting or complementary backdrop or even steal the spotlight, as Vincent van Gogh’s “Starry Night” beautifully illustrates. They're not just settings; they're expressions, setting the mood, suggesting settings, and influencing the viewer's emotional response.

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Affordable Watercolour Brushes - Jackson's Studio Synthetic

Synthetic brushes are made from synthetic fibres such as nylon, Taklon, or a blend of synthetic materials. They are vegan and cruelty-free, appealing to those who prefer not to use brushes made from natural hair. They may not hold water as well as natural hair brushes but with advancements in brush technology, synthetic brushes now have improved water retention. They are generally more affordable than natural hair brushes, so if you are a beginner or you are on a budget, synthetic brushes are a good choice.

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Ampersand Aquabord Panels for Watercolour

Painting on Aquabord offers a unique experience compared to traditional watercolour paper. Watercolour paper encourages exploration and experimentation, striking a delicate balance between control and spontaneity. The paint dances over the wet paper, producing surprising and delightful effects.

However, painting on Aquabord requires a distinct and different approach. The clay surface is absorbent and it doesn't stay wet for long. When I use it, I have to change my normal painting method.

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