Louise De Masi Watercolour Artist

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Art and Mindfulness

It was the American Trappist monk, theologian and poet, Thomas Merton, who said “Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” And with today's hectic pace of life, more people than ever are turning to art to help them stay focused and grounded.

Mindfulness is a way of being in the present moment: noticing every sound and sensation that comes our way. As an antidote to stress and anxiety, it can bring clarity, joy, and peace to our lives. Art is a great way to encourage mindfulness within ourselves because it helps us stay present in the moment and be aware of our physical and emotional responses.

What the science says

Research has found that art can be a powerful tool for improving focus and reducing stress. It has been shown to reduce cortisol, the hormone released during times of stress, and increase dopamine, the neurotransmitter linked to pleasure.

Art also improves brain functioning by activating both sides of the brain; while one side is taking in visual information, the other side is processing it and forming new connections.

Other studies have shown that art therapy can help us learn to manage difficult emotions and cope with challenging situations.

Why art?

Art is an accessible form of self-expression. It can be done alone or with others, indoors or outdoors, and requires no special equipment.

The process of creating something with our hands gives us the opportunity to focus on the present moment and release stress without worrying about the outcome.

When creating art, we become mindful of our actions: how the paintbrush feels in our hand, the colours we choose, or the textures we explore. By being mindful, we can find solace in creating something beautiful and meaningful, which can help us to cope with stress or anxiety.

How to begin?

The best way to get started is to choose a medium that speaks to you. This could be anything from painting and drawing, to sculpture or photography.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, choose something simple like doodling. It can help your mind wander while engaging in an activity that requires minimal effort.

Alternatively, if you want something more structured, look into art classes or courses. An experienced teacher can help you learn new techniques and guide you in creating something meaningful.

The most important thing to remember is that there are no rules when it comes to creating art. It doesn't matter if the end result isn't perfect, as long as you enjoyed the process of making it. Art should be seen as an opportunity for self-exploration and growth - not a competition or comparison.

Art as a form of self-care

Art is more than just a hobby; it can serve as a form of self-care. Engaging in art allows us to express our emotions freely and fearlessly, without worrying about criticism. Moreover, it nurtures patience and resilience as we learn to embrace imperfection.

Art therapy as a form of self-care allows us to tap into our inner wisdom and connect with our subconscious. Through expressive art, we can access emotions and thoughts that may have been buried or overlooked in the busyness of everyday life. It becomes a therapeutic outlet, a space to release pent-up emotions, and a way to process complex feelings that words alone may struggle to convey.

Incorporating art into your daily life

In the hustle and bustle of life, it's easy to neglect our emotional well-being. Art reminds us to slow down, breathe, and reconnect with ourselves. It encourages us to be gentle with ourselves, to be patient with our progress, and to celebrate the small victories.

Here are three tips to incorporate art into your daily life and harness its benefits for your emotional well-being:

Create Art in a Dedicated Art Space

Designate a corner or a room in your home where you can immerse yourself in art. Having a dedicated art space not only helps organise your materials but also signals to your mind that this is a safe and creative haven. Keep your art supplies easily accessible, such as paints, brushes, sketchbooks, or any other medium you enjoy. Having a designated space makes it easier to integrate art into your daily routine.

Practice Daily Doodling

Doodling is a simple and accessible way to infuse art into your everyday life. Keep a small sketchbook or notepad with you, and whenever you have a few spare moments, let your pen wander across the paper. Doodling helps you unwind, enhances your creativity, and allows your mind to wander freely. It can be done during short breaks at work, while waiting for appointments, or while travelling. Embrace the imperfections and enjoy the process without judgment.

Integrate Art During Mindful Moments

Combine art with mindfulness by engaging in art activities that help you stay present. For example, try mindful colouring where you focus on the sensation of the pen or pencil on the paper and the colours blending together. Engage all your senses when creating art – observe the textures, feel the weight of the art materials, and listen to the sounds of your tools. By being fully present during the art-making process, you heighten the meditative and stress-reducing benefits of both art and mindfulness.

Bonus Tip: Collaborate with Others: Art doesn't have to be a solitary practice. Collaborate with friends, family, or community members on creative projects. Participate in art workshops, group painting sessions, or art clubs where you can share ideas, techniques, and experiences. Collaboration not only enriches your creativity but also fosters a sense of connection and support, nurturing your emotional well-being.

Final thoughts

Remember, incorporating art into your daily life isn't about perfection or achieving a certain outcome. It's about embracing the process, enjoying the journey, and reaping the emotional rewards. So, take a leap, explore your creativity, and make art an integral part of your daily routine to cultivate mindfulness and nurture your soul amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life.

As an artist who deeply values the connection between art and mindfulness, I can't emphasise enough how joining a community of like-minded individuals can enrich your creative journey. If you're seeking to explore the profound interplay of art and mindfulness, I invite you to be a part of my thriving online community.

By joining us, you'll gain access to a supportive network of fellow artists, where we celebrate each other's progress, share mindful techniques, and find solace in the creative process. As a patron, you'll also enjoy exclusive entry to our Discord server, where we engage in uplifting chats, community hangouts, and monthly Q&A live streams focused on the mindful creation of art.

If you're curious to learn more about starting your mindful art adventure, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here to support you as you embark on this fulfilling path.

If you are interested in learning to paint in watercolour, I have over 170 online, voiced over watercolour tutorials for all skill levels.

Original art and prints are available to purchase in the shop.

Further reading: 9 Watercolour Texture Techniques

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